These kinds of resources could be very useful in order to improve your listening comprehension of the Japanese language, but I think it's even more useful if you have a transcript at hand.
If you are a student of Japanese you know how effective it is to have audio with a corresponding text for study purposes.
I find transcripts by reverse-searching chunks of text starting from the audio narration.
I listen to a small chunk of audio and I transcribe it, to search it later on Google.
This way I'm able to find the corresponding full story in the written form.
This is a collection of Japanese horror stories.
To find the corresponding audio search the folder's name on YouTube.
Click here to access the transcript repository. [19 june 2022: link was broken; should work now.]
Please subscribe to my Facebook page if you want to be updated when I upload new stories.
Last updated: [13 january 2020]
220 stories (50 hours of audio)
Previous updated: [26 november 2017]
144 stories (40 hours of audio)
Directory structure:
For example this path:
jhorror > ごまだんごの怪奇なチャンネル > 【怪談朗読】怪談朗読セレクション in 2016.11【つめあわせ】> 08-人か幽霊か.txt
corresponds to the 8th story of this youtube video (at min. 1:34):
Google Drive
I hope you enjoy this as much as I am! Please have fun :3
For example this path:
jhorror > ごまだんごの怪奇なチャンネル > 【怪談朗読】怪談朗読セレクション in 2016.11【つめあわせ】> 08-人か幽霊か.txt
corresponds to the 8th story of this youtube video (at min. 1:34):
Google Drive
I hope you enjoy this as much as I am! Please have fun :3